Run Loader Exe Resettofactory
Sep 05, 2009 Here is how to wipe and install your OS using Loader.exe. I did this yesterday and found it to be a little easier and quicker. This is how RIM will ha. How to reset the BlackBerry smartphone to factory defaults. Right-click and select Run As Administrator. Type loader.exe /resettofactory and press Enter.
Fixmestick 2014 Adataxvz. Many times you may come across a situation where you need to delete all your personal data from the BlackBerry device memory like your address book, messenger contacts, pictures or media anything. It could be when you are changing/upgrading your BlackBerry device or sending the current BlackBerry back to vendor as it’s defective or selling it on ebay or giving away to your friends/family or you’re troubleshooting some device database problems.
In some cases where the keypad does not work or screen is damaged other options listed below will be very helpful to achieve this task. This will bring back the BlackBerry to it’s default factory settings, the way you originally got it first. The Wipe Handheld Option This is the easiest way among all. If you’re able to use keypad, and screen is working fine then this will do the job.
• Go to Options • Select Security Options • Select General Settings • Click the Menu key • Select Wipe Handheld • Click Continue • Type “ blackberry”. All the data on the BlackBerry device is erased, it will reboot and bring back the default factory settings. The Incorrect Password Method – Device Keypad If you have device password security enabled then with 10 incorrect password attempts it will wipe/clean your BlackBerry device.
When you enable the device security password, you may choose the Number of password attempt from 10 to 3. In fact this option is to protect your data, information from the other person if your BlackBerry is lost or stolen. The Incorrect Password Method – PC Keyboard When you have device password enabled and you connect your BlackBerry to Desktop Manager, it will also wipe all data after incorrect password attempts.
In this scenario at the end it may ask you to load the operating system. This option is not advisable. Delete Data Using The Desktop Manager – Application Loader Tool. You can also delete all your BlackBerry device data when you perform Operating System (OS) reload. During the process you need to make sure that Back up device data automatically is NOT selected. Check out this post '”.
Delete Data Using The Desktop Manager – Backup And Restore Tool Click on Advanced button under the Back up and Restore option of your BlackBerry Desktop Manager and you’ll see the the screen look like above. Just select the Database Records from the right hand side Device Database box and click clear. Click OK if it shows the warning/confirmation window. This option may not delete your pictures/media stored into your device memory. Remote wipe command through BES If you’re part of BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) and in case if you’ve lost your BlackBerry, your BES admin can wipe it clean with remote wipe command.