Detonator 3
Detonator (Fallout: New Vegas), a detonator used specifically for C-4 in Fallout: New Vegas. Loyal's detonator, for use in the quest Volare! In conjunction with the deployable ballast in Fallout: New Vegas. Redundant failsafe detonator, a miscellaneous item for use in the quest You'll Know It When It Happens, in Fallout: New Vegas. Detonator 3 v6.18 driver: Supports NVIDIA Unified Driver Architecture. Refer to the products support list for a full list of supported products. Supports OpenGL and DirectX 7. Supports NVIDIA TwinView™ Dual Display Architecture. Supports NVIDIA Digital Vibrance Control (DVC).
Crack San Andreas. Detonator 3 Vs. Detonator 2 - Quake 3 Arena, Continued Medium Resolution, High Color Detonator 3 can show a larger improvement at this higher resolution in the Linux version of Quake 3 Arena. It's worth to have a look at the particular cards though. Obviously there was a serious problem of the GeForce 2 GTS support in Detonator 2.
The frame rate improvement to Detonator 3 is more than 20%! You can also see that cards that don't suffer as much from memory bandwidth restriction don't benefit much from Detonator 3 at all. TNT2 Ultra, GeForce256 and the two Quadros have a decent memory bandwidth in comparison to their fill rate abilities. Those four cards score close to identical under Det2 as well as Det3. The above said is even more valid for Windows 2000.
GeForce 2 MX, Geforce 2 GTS and GeForce 2 Ultra can show a noticeable difference between Det2 and Det3. Eca Vrt Disk 2009 Serial. The other cards hardly care.