Wild Thing Paul Joannides Ebook
Buy paul joannides Books at Indigo.ca. Shop amongst 5 popular books. Wild Thing: Sex-Tips for Boys. By Paul Joannides. Kobo ebook German November 29, 2012. Buy the Kobo ebook Book Wild Thing by Paul Joannides at Indigo.ca, Canada's largest bookstore. + Get Free Shipping on Family and Relationships books over $25! Read Wild Thing Sex-Tips for Boys and Girls - by Paul Joannides with Rakuten Kobo. In diesem informativen, locker und frech geschriebenen Guide steht alles, was man.

Because everyone should have a sex guide book that quotes. This is an excellent, general guide to sex and is designed as an all-in-one introduction. It covers such topics as: basic biology, oral sex, hand sex, anal sex, masturbation, sex toys, sexual safety, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual orientation, and pregnancy.
Roughly equal weight and attention has been given to both the female and male perspectives on all topics. All topics are discussed clearly Because everyone should have a sex guide book that quotes. This is an excellent, general guide to sex and is designed as an all-in-one introduction. It covers such topics as: basic biology, oral sex, hand sex, anal sex, masturbation, sex toys, sexual safety, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual orientation, and pregnancy. Roughly equal weight and attention has been given to both the female and male perspectives on all topics.
All topics are discussed clearly, calmly, and in an engaging manner. The publisher of this book also maintains a website () with sample chapters and chapter excerpts, the author's weekly advice column, recommendations for further reading, and purchasing information for this and other similar publications. This review is of the third edition (published in 2000). A sex guide as big as a telephone book; a page turner, yet somehow oddly disappointing in many respects. Murloc Rpg 2 Swf Gratis. My greatest frustrations with this book--achievement though this tome may be (and it is quite a feat)--are that it repeats a number of facts and motifs over and over, and seems to do so because there is no apparent logical order to the overall presentation. It gets to be quite fatiguing after a few hundred pages. The book is meant to be digested in small compartmentalized bits.
The voice is be A sex guide as big as a telephone book; a page turner, yet somehow oddly disappointing in many respects. My greatest frustrations with this book--achievement though this tome may be (and it is quite a feat)--are that it repeats a number of facts and motifs over and over, and seems to do so because there is no apparent logical order to the overall presentation. It gets to be quite fatiguing after a few hundred pages. The book is meant to be digested in small compartmentalized bits.
The voice is bemused and humorous, but quite often I found author Joannides' urges to make jokes about the topics under discussion strained and possibly undermined the facts he was writing about. The book tries to find a balance between facts, conjecture, philosophy and humor to keep itself from becoming academically boring (though many sources are aptly cited), but sometimes I think the conjectures and the quips go too far. The definition of trophy wife in the book's 'Goofy Glossary', for instance, is mainly editorialized satire that seems to cynically dismiss a man's second marriage outright without making any concession to genuine feelings and motives, and is sexist to boot. Most intelligent readers should be able to discern between Joannides' flip opinions and actual facts, but sometimes the line is blurred to the point of annoyance. Is it necessary to have an entire two pages devoted to showing a first-timer how to insert a tampon, and then have a section that jokes about Viagra and dismisses its users rather than talking more about the facts of what Viagra does? Is it necessary on page 566 to give the exact same advice about using condoms as was already detailed earlier in the book? Why does the book insist throughout that the best thing to do when contemplating or having sex is to talk to your partner about what each of you wants, but then have an entire chapter way back on page 429 about 'Talking to Your Partner About Sex'?