Sample Olympic Weightlifting Programs
A Beginner’s Program for the Olympic Lifts. A Solid Neophyte Program. Serial Number Abrosoft Fantamorph 5 on this page. Start with a little Warm Up Snatch: 8 Sets of Doubles Clean and Jerk:8 Sets of Singles Front. *This programming is designed for an athlete who is fully rested and ready. 12 Week Olympic Weightlifting Program. These are sample programs for the general.
9 Weeks Web, Text, Excel $25 This 9-week cycle uses different competition and strength lifts with each exposure for the first 6 weeks, and then focuses on heavy single competition lifts for the final weeks to prepare for competition or max snatch and clean & jerk testing. The first phase uses a lot of maximal effort work, but is limited to 2-week burdening periods to make it more tolerable. Contains plenty of accessory work. Volume: Moderate-High Intensity: High Good For: Lifters who have been stuck and need some radical change Notes: Percentages following an RM or HS are of that max. 9 Weeks Web, Text, Excel $29 This is a cycle intended for athletes who can't manage frequent or intense squatting; it uses relatively low-intensity squats twice weekly.