Install Dante Socks Proxy Centos Iso
This is a very easy and quick way to turn any vps to a socks5 server. It's only take 3-5 minutes to get up and running.
Welcome to the CentOS fora. The sockd is the server part of the Dante socks proxy package and: allows socks clients to connect through it to the network. It consists of a SOCKS server and a SOCKS client, implementing RFC 1928 and related standards. It is a flexible product that can be used to provide convenient and secure network connectivity. Shadowprotect Desktop Edition. Inferno Nettverk A/S provides commercial services related to Dante, including 24/7 phone support, customized installations/tuning, development.

Here is the step-by-step to make it. Step 1: download this script ssh to your vps (make sure you have root permission) and run this command: sudo wget -O (copy above link by right click) this command will download and save the script to current location. Make it executable by run this command: sudo chmod +x step 2: check your network card. Sudo ifconfig -a Choose the card that can connect to the internet and have an public ip assigned to.
In my case, i select eth0 cuz there's only one interface that take both internal and external role. Step 3: run the script and type your selection. Internal: eth0 external: eth0 port: could be any port from 1-65000 but you should choose port that is greater than 1080. Final: wait 3-5 minutes and the script will output the socks5 in ip:port format.
Dead End Shambara Rar. Copy that socks and test it with firefox or any socks client you want.
Code: yum --noplugins --showduplicates --enablerepo * --disablerepo *-source --disablerepo C5. *,c5-media, *debug *, *-source search socks proxy. Code: # yum --noplugins --enablerepo * --disablerepo *-source --disablerepo C5.