Constructor Gog
Who Are We? Is based around finding free games all over the place! Be it Steam, Origin, Uplay, Xbox 360/One, Playstation 3/4/Vita, or Wii U/3DS,, we will find every last free Game and DLC we can, and get it to you! Rules • No Free To Play Games. We don't allow games that are always free (i.e.
TF2 or Dota 2). Only post games that normally have a price that are temporarily free, but are kept forever. We do however currently allow Alpha/Beta threads for F2P games, when out of beta, no more posting. Mercedes Technician Program.
On top of that, we also allow free games (that are newer or older offers) that will give '+1' to your steam game count. • The Giveaway Has To Be Open To Many. A safe bet for amount of keys/codes being given away is 1000. A little lower than that can be cool too, but be reasonable. We do allow raffles here, but they have to be pretty easy to 'fix'.
Can we get an official answer if there will ever be a GOG version of Constructor HD? It doesn't matter if it's a yes or no, I just want to know. Teller Platform Software.
If they're just normal raffles, we currently allow 10k+ key raffles, as they're pretty open. Download The Amazing Spider Man Game Demo Pc. Ala Steamgifts. Something like maybe refreshing/trying again in a minute is safest.
Also people should be 99% guaranteed to get access to this item, so no sign up to possibly get in type things. • Follow Our Format.
We, or the Automoderator will remove incorrectly posted threads. The format is as follows; [Platform] (Game, DLC, Membership, Credit, Alpha/Beta, Alpha, Beta, or Other) title of free item. Leave the words 'Free', 'Beta' and 'Giveaway' out of the title. No other stuff either. Just the three noted sections above.