Wingate Proxy Server 7 Rapidshare Er
Wingate Proxy Server 7 Rapidshare Files SmartFTP is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol), FTPS, SFTP, SSH, Terminal client. It allows you to transfer files between your. Wingate Proxy Server 7 Rapidshare Files SmartFTP is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol), FTPS, SFTP, SSH, Terminal client. It allows you to transfer files between your.
Firstly, sorry for my english. Im using windows 7 x64 build 7100 with wingate 6.5.2. (Windows 7 is support vista drivers) i have bsod problem (TimeStamp) in ndis.sys. (i checked cmos time and windows time but no problem on the time) 10 minutes after connecting to the Internet via dial-up Cfos driver i'm getting bsod. Or i cant upload a image on imageshack i getting bsod when%75-95.(but other computer can on this wingate network) i have four adapters. NVidia nforce 10/100 Mbps adapter (on ip) Surecom EP-320X-R adapter (on ip) Other wireless card (my card do not support x64 but i writed a few code to run) (i downloaded source code on internet) i dont know the model because driver name is custom text:). (i never using disabled) and openVPN adapter (i using your-freedom proxy program to bypass the internet filter) I'm uploading a photo for my connections.
Ht t p: // img98. Jpg (please remove spaces) im so bored for this problem i lose 1 or 2 days for this problem. And i readed other topic windows 2008 x64 & wingate bsod but the hidden or beta version link 404:(. I only need nat function (ics not working in windows 7 sometimes getting file or dns problems in ics) im waiting.
If i can't bypass the problem in 2 days. I rollback to my xp x64 edition. Project Patch Pp-96-1 on this page. What's wrong? Can i bypass the problem? Posts: 6 Joined: May 09 09 8:06 am.
I installed windows 7 x64 and wingate then i setup drivers and setup openvpn and your-freedom. After install wingate always after 10 minutes i geting bsod. I cant open website. Imageshack etc.
But i worked a month ago with xp x64 edition. (other pc's use your-freedom and openvpn internet). When i instaled windows 7 i still geting bsod like 'WinGate 6.5.2: MS WIN SERVER 2008 Crash - BSOD Blue: FIXED' thread (sorry i cant direct url because i dont have 5 post but this topic in a this forum) my dsl modem is support nat but is disabled because i want to other computers use your-freedom and openvpn internet. I worked other opering system (xp x64) and no bsod why i getting bsod with windows 7 x64.
I think if i install 6.5.3 my problem is solving because other peoples geting this error (or like) and them worked. Note: when i close Extended Networking my bsod problem solved but my nat problem ongoing:( nat requies extended networking:( Posts: 6 Joined: May 09 09 8:06 am. Thanks for help but my problem is not solved:(. I only do something when i uninstall Qbit NDIS driver. And the sys files (qbit driver) is old datet (no diff than 6.5.2) (4 feb 2009) DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (d1) An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually caused by drivers using improper addresses. If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace.