Roland M-dc1 Patch List

Roland M-VS1 & M-DC1 OK. Had a bit of free time, and I thought.maybe we should add these two units to our list. I first saw them at a trade show a couple of years back, around the time of the Korg Prophesy release, where they were pumping out loads of dancey noises. These units didn't last long, probably because they are simply expander units as the title says. These are not synths that can be edited from the front panel or anything like that.editing of sounds is via Sysex only. They are simply boxes loaded up with roms worth of dance sounds.however as a cheap S/h purchase, maybe they are worth checking if you make any kind of dance chewns.and as you'll see, you can also use them as a drum box with a sequencer, where they will function better than most drum machines in providing a full dance-drums pallette of sounds.
The sounds of these units are taken from the JV1080 cards Common Be Instrumental Rar. .and also I would bet that quite a few also found their way into the MC-303.I'll talk to Roland & comfirm this soon.each unit has about 250 patches.You also get a basic reverb & chorus FX to add. Victory Cigarettes Bulgaria. The FX can be added to the 8 multi-parts seperately if you are using a sequencer to play the unit in multi-mode. M-DC1 DANCE MODULE This unit contains about 50 stereo drum loops, all yer usual housey garagey & other stuff, but don't expect anything too radical, these units aint going to turn you into Tricky overnight.You also get lots of vocal snatches, buzzes, blips, piano's, scratches, synths, organs, & sound FX etc etc.a good all round pallette of 'Dance' audio stuff. You also get all your analog drumbox samples as well, including all the favourites from Roland's classic machines like the 909 etc.there's also plenty of percussion stuff too.All -in -all, you get enuff drum samples here to use it as a dedicated drum box. So all in all, think of this as a cheap Dance-Orbit type module, giving all yer drum sounds, plus ready to go loops, and all the other bitz you need.definately worth checking if a cheap S/H one appears in the paper. M-VS1 VINTAGE SYNTH MODULE On with the show, and this unit also looks like a real crackin box if you find one cheap.again about 250 patches, 8 part multi, 28 note poly.Loaded with all the classic old Roland synths from the TB-303 to the Jupiter 8.there are also patches from synths such as Moog, Oberhiem, Arp etc.Just loads of old synths!!. Hey, but you also get a drum box too!.