Oblivion Ini Tweak Tool

Setting Oblivion up for Mods & ENB After installing mods and ENB settings, some changes need to be made before launching Oblivion. If you launch Oblivion before making these changes, the game will most likely not start, and if it does, it definitely will not be able to load a save-game without CTD. With the exception of number 1, these changes are absolutely necessary for Oblivion to work after modding. 1: Tweaking System: Windows (Optional) 2: Tweaking System: Drivers Settings 3: Tweaking Oblivion: Load-Order 4: Tweaking Oblivion: Oblivion INI-File 5: Tweaking Oblivion: Launcher 1 - Windows (Optional) Having a fast and stable system is absolutely necessary to run a heavily modded Oblivion. If you have a high-end system, you should have nothing to worry about, even with all mods installed. But if you have a semi-old or medium-spec system (like mine), it will be put to the test, so you want to give Oblivion the best possible conditions to get the most out of it. If you already have a fast and stable system, proceed to the driver settings instead.
From S.T.E.P. Oblivion ' folder and archive the 'Oblivion.ini' file. Launcher can undo user-configured INI tweaks. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Tweak Guide. There are two main ways to tweak Oblivion. It reads the values held in the Oblivion.ini file stored under your.
Cleaning/optimizing Windows is of course a huge subject, so I will not go into details, but rather give suggestions what to look out for. This is written for Windows 7 x64, but most things apply to XP/Vista/Win8/Win10 (32/64bit) as well. 1: Make sure your system is virus/mal-ware free. (It's a given, but I'm writing it anyway) 2: Have as few unnecessary programs running in the background as possible. Preferably non. 3: Never have real-time anti-virus programs running. They slow down any computer with at least 10-20%, and most of them does an extremely poor job at protecting against viruses anyway.
The best way to protect a computer against mal-ware and viruses, is by having a great firewall, preferably at router level, so nothing gets to the computer in the first place. 4: If you have to use a firewall at computer level (Not all routers have great firewalls), use one that doesn't require a lot of resources, and turn off Windows built-in firewall & services. I can recommend Firewall. It's free, and comes in both 32 and 64bit versions. 5: Get rid of all junk-driver-programs. Keep the drivers of course, but uninstall or disable all the useless services that constantly run in the background. Like scanner, printer or audio 'service' programs that comes with the drivers.
6: Get rid of junk-apps. Weather apps, search bars and joke apps etc., They use your connection to bring you useless commercials and junk, which takes up recourses. 7: Get rid of PunkBuster, if you have it. Go to services, and check if 'PnkBstrA' and/or 'PnkBstrB' are running.
If they are, stop and disable them. (Control Panel ->Administrative Tools ->Tokyo Hot N0943 Acme Forced. Services) *If you use Comodo Firewall, you can block PunkBuster from ever being installed again, and prohibit execution of any PunkBuster services. You would be surprised how many games silently install this junk program.
8: Clean the temp-files. I can recommend. It's free, and comes in both 32 and 64bit versions. 9: Check Windows Start-up list. I can recommend for this too. Youtube Er Mp4 Firefox there. (Tools - Startup) 10: Clean Windows Task Scheduler.
Get rid of all the useless checks that makes your system slow down at randomly when Windows hit a timer. (Control Panel ->Administrative Tools ->Task Scheduler) 11: Don't use iTunes. Besides being the slowest, most featureless, incompatible, ugly, and absolute worst media player ever made, it will also decrease performance on any system, and try to run the weirdest and most useless tasks at random. Stay far away from any Apple products.
No offence about running Apple products on Apple machines, I guess it's a match, but Apple is just not capable of writing efficient code at PC standard. 12: Stop and disable useless background services. (Control Panel ->Administrative Tools ->Services) 12-1: Stop and disable all junk-services, like updaters and support services from drivers and programs. (Examples: Acronis Scheduler2 Service, Adobe Acrobat Update Service, Creative Audio Service, Skype Updater, SwitchBoard, etc.) 12-2: Disable the worst Microsoft services.