Not Found In Epsg Support Files
GDAL missing gcs.csv #221. Unable to open EPSG support file gcs.csv. Try setting the GDAL_DATA environment variable to. Gcs.csv not found t-rex. Unable to open EPSG support file gcs.csv. Try setting the GDAL_DATA environment variable to point to the directory containing EPSG csv files. It seems that the call to GDALDataset::GetProjectionRef?(). EPSG PCS/GCS code 5100 not found in EPSG support files. Is this a vali d EPSG coordinate system?
Anaconda's version of GDAL doesn't work as expected. Normally programs such as gdalwarp just work.
In the case of Anaconda's, the installation is either missing, or hiding some important data files. This is resolved by following the instructions in the error ( export GDAL_DATA=/path/to/gcs.csv), but it becomes cumbersome when creating multiple conda environments, all requiring a manual tweak to work correctly. >gdalwarp -t_srs epsg:3857 in.tif out.tif ERROR 4: Unable to open EPSG support file gcs.csv. Try setting the GDAL_DATA environment variable to point to the directory containing EPSG csv files. ERROR 1: Translating source or target SRS failed: epsg:3857 Is there a way to include gcs.csv in the Anaconda distribution without having to manually define GDAL_DATA? To fix this error do the following steps. • go to the activate.d folder of your conda env, this should be something like: C: ProgramData Anaconda2 envs ENV_NAME etc conda activate.d • Then create a new bat file with the next text: if not defined GDAL_DATA ( set GDAL_DATA=%~dp0... Batalha Espiritual Na Mente Pdf - Free Software And Shareware.
Library share gdal set _CONDA_SET_GDAL_DATA=1 ) This new bat file will replace the text with double quotation marks and a slash after dp0, that is shown as follow if not defined GDAL_DATA ( set GDAL_DATA='%~dp0** **... Library share gdal' set _CONDA_SET_GDAL_DATA=1 ) bye!