How To Bypass Harmony Gameguard Ragnarok
There are any number of people even here on these boards that could do a task like that. The big question is why bother? Spend 200+ hours reverse engineering an anti-hack to see what it's doing then anot her 40-80+ hours coding and testing a wrapper around it only to have it update itself after a week or so and anti-rootkit your anti-rootkit and then you start all over again. For a single game that is essentially a freebie? The reason people write anti-hacks like GameGuard is to make sure the game stays balanced and that gold farmers don't auto-bot the game to the point where the drive off their core set of gamers.
Sure some stuff like AutoHotkey gets caught in the net but there are a LOT of people who want to be able to farm gold while they go off and have a life outside the game while still having their characters run around and soak up loot and mats. Live Streaming Software For Twitch. And then there are the asian gold farmers who run bots in shifts 24/7 (where and when they can get away with it).