Gta San Andreas Zima
Features of the Park: -All map covered with snow; -U CJ will go pairs from the mouth, as well as other pedov; -Frozen water; -To include snowfall press Ctrl + [Num +]; -All vehicles will be snow tires; -Winter the speedometer; -New boot screen; -New Pickup save-snowflake; -Snow around Los Santos; -The entire Grove new year decorated; -Grouvcy in winter clothes; -Tree in Center Grove; -CJ got gifts for the new year: the IPhone 4, the new tv and laptop (CJ's House on the table). Changed some of the weapons: -Knife-Christmas star; -Smoke grenade-Snow; Molotov Cocktail-'Soviet'; -Pomegranate-Squib; -Spade-Snow shovel. -Snow blowers; Throwing the snow; Controls: CTRL-dazzle snow/throw a snowball. -Fireworks Office: The K key-put before Carl box with missiles. East West Quantum Leap Ra. L-key (works with 22:00 to 4:00)-run Fireworks. -Winter route.

Here's a little mod of Winter because not all States of cover. MOD snow mount Chiliad, and covers the entire island on which it is located.(Areas covered with snow.