General Effects Of Crack Use Include Burning The
Effects of Crack Cocaine The effects of crack cocaine include aggressive and paranoid behavior, feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. X Plane 10 Bombardier Challenger 300 S. Repair Rim Usb Driver. Roast Pork Leg Crackling here. On the other hand an individual who uses crack cocaine may feel self confident, in power, or exhilarated. In addition to the users change in behavior and mood, the effects of crack cocaine are constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, and an increase in temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, as well as a decrease in appetite. The most extreme effect of crack cocaine can happen the very first time or any of the following times an individual uses crack cocaine. This effect is known as 'instant death' or 'sudden death'. Sudden death takes place when the users' body chemistry is imbalanced to the slightest degree.