Dsi Games Onto Sd Card
Feb 27, 2010 How to play Rom games from SD card Updated 1/25/2012 - Duration: 2:00. Dem0nTap 390,040 views. How to copy dsi games to sd card - Duration: 2:21. How To Play DS Games Off An SD Card NerdHelpDesk. Nintendo DSi - SD SDHC. Serialize And Deserialize A Given N-ary Tree.
Don't know if this is wishful thinking, but my R4 card has bitten the dust (I updated my 3DS XL without thinking - whoops!) and I was mooching around to see where to get a new one. Costco Basketball Game Price. Someone suggested that it would be possible to play NDS ROMS by putting them onto the SD card of the 3DS and gave a website that has tons of games listed. This is all great, however, I don't know the first thing about what I'm doing so please help me out! 1) - is it possible to play NDS ROMS from my SD card on my 3DS XL? 2) - if so, how do I go about it? I don't even know how to access my SD card on my 3DS, but I do know how to add files to it.
Do I need specific firmware or is it literally a case of copying NDS files onto it? Thanks in advance for any replies. Wonder if it would still work on my son's 3DS?
We bought it second-hand in January (and the little bugger had my free 3DS game download code!) and it's not been updated to my knowledge. I may see if he can use it and at least it's not wasted then. And ouch to the cost of carts now! Back in the good old days I was given my original R4 card (for my lovely little DS Lite) by someone who had a spare. Even when it needed replacing it was about £8.00 (don't know what that equates to in $). But if the DSTwo will last me I think I'll have to shell out for one.
I'm getting itchy to play the Phoenix Wright games again and they're difficult to get hold of in the UK without paying a small fortune. Thanks for the help everyone - I'm bookmarking this site for future reference!
Shaktiman Serial Images here. I suggest you buy the EDGE!! You can buy it from NDS-Gear.co.uk (see related links) hello I'm Michelle and its easy to put ds games on a micro SD card i tell you step by step. To put games on your micro SD card you need these, SD card reader if you have a PC,if you have a mac or a laptop you don't have to worry about the SD card reader cause you probably have the slot on your laptop or mac 2.put the micro SD card in the SD card (simple) 3.put the SD card with the micro SD in it in the laptop or SD card reader don't forget to plug the SD card reader in your computer:). Then your computer or laptop will read the sd card if it doesn't show up click on my computer and than the SD card will yfuktufkshow up and click on it. Soon enough a page will open up and you put the ds Roms or whatever in the folder if you dont have any roms you can download at www.NDSUniverse.com. Sign up and than start downloading you can only download 5 ds games per week.
After you done that the game should show up on the micro SD card when you take it out. Hope i helped.
Answered by Michelle hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhkAHK. I suggest you buy the EDGE!! You can buy it from NDS-Gear.co.uk (see related links) hello I'm Michelle and its easy to put ds games on a micro SD card i tell you step by step.
To put games on your micro SD card you need these, SD card reader if you have a PC,if you have a mac or a laptop you don't have to worry about the SD card reader cause you probably have the slot on your laptop or mac 2.put the micro SD card in the SD card (simple) 3.put the SD card with the micro SD in it in the laptop or SD card reader don't forget to plug the SD card reader in your computer:). Then your computer or laptop will read the sd card if it doesn't show up click on my computer and than the SD card will yfuktufkshow up and click on it. Soon enough a page will open up and you put the ds Roms or whatever in the folder if you dont have any roms you can download at www.NDSUniverse.com. Sign up and than start downloading you can only download 5 ds games per week. After you done that the game should show up on the micro SD card when you take it out.