Critical Point Game
Critical Point - Walkthrough (Adult Title) =========================^============================^======================== Critical Point (PC) Copyright 2002 by Peach Princess and Will Japan Walkthrough by Ben Woodhouse shaky_mercury(at)yahoocom Oct. 27, 2003 Version 1.12 =========================^============================^======================== Peach Princess does a great job translating adult bishoujo games! Check them out at ******************************CONTENT DISCLAIMER******************************* Critical Point is an adult bishoujo game, meaning it contains sex, and in this case violence. Therefore it is intended solely for people over the age of 18. If you are of age and still find such material objectionable, then you probably have no interest in playing this game or reading this FAQ.

Apr 23, 2013 Tim Railey said. Hey everyone, the link given above for the download link is unfortunately not working! Such a waste of time! Anyway, I did some. Critical Point. In the early 21st. When i click CRITICAL. After downloading an actual CD Image of this game, installing it from there.

******************************************************************************* -=-===--==-=--==- CONTENTS -==-=--=-=-=-=-=- Easy Navigation System... To quickly jump to the desired section, hit CTRL+F and type in the section's shorthand code. Introduction.......IN01 ii. System Requirements......SR02 iii. Characters.......CH03 iv. Non-spoiler Walkthrough......NS04 v. Episode spoilers - Do you live?....ES05 Who do you end up with?, Who do you sleep with along the way?
Version History.......VH06 vii. Copyright Information...... Wonderful Life Korean Drama 2017 - And Software 2017 on this page. CI07 =-=-=-==-=-=---=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-==-=-==-=-==-=--==-=--=-==-=-==-==-=-==-=-= i. INTRODUCTION CODE: IN01 =-=-=-==--=-==-=--=-=-==-=-==-=-=-=-=-==-=-=--==-=-==--==--=-=-==--==-=-=-=-=-= Critical Point is a sci-fi, multi-ending adult bishoujo game from Japan, translated into English by Peach Princess. Again, its an adult game; turn back now if you object.
The history of humankind on earth is littered with great catastrophes; why would the future be any different? In 2037, after worldwide famine followed by an energy shortage, the world's population has decreased by 75%. The survivors have been left to fight for control of the rebuilding process. Ganesh Bhakti Hindi Songs more. No one can escape the conflict; almost every young person somehow finds his way into an army. As the character Leiji Osumi, you are no different. You're currently assigned as a Special Investigator and Intelligence Officer and have been sent to investigate sabotage on the remote Moon Base D-02, a seemingly remote, insignificant technical outpost. Upon your arrival, you see that much more is going on, though.