Convert .resources File To .resx
Rom Pokemon Y 3ds. Mar 14, 2008 I don't know how to do it from a resx file, but from an assembly it is using reflection like this: Assembly assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(@'c: windows.
Resgen.exe and Resource File Types. In order for Resgen.exe to successfully convert resources, text and.resx files must follow the correct format. Whats the difference between.Resx and.Resources. I think resx file. You could always use the resgen.exe utility from visual studio to convert them into.resx.
Introduction In some cases an application needs some external resources to perform specified tasks. And I mean by external resources, those none executables data logically deployed with a given application. The final purpose by doing so is to prevent recompiling the given application for each time one or more elements are supposed to be necessarily changed according to some environmental exceptions, contexts or external conditions. You tell me OK understood, but the same task or mission is covered by the configuration files.
I can say resources files and configuration files exist for the same goal is to prevent recompiling applications, the nature and the mission covered by each kind of file differs in practice, however. Configuration files '*.config' vs.
Resource files '*.resource' The configuration files '*.exe.config' have as a mission giving the developer the ability to control and/ or modify settings inside the application logical environment, among the missions covered by the '*.exe.config' files: • Define witch assemblies could be consumed by the application core. • Specify witch runtime version processes. • Define application settings such as connection strings and other settings. • Register remote objects • Define some configuration sections especially used to certain properties assignments So, each of those elements belongs logically to the internal application environment. In the other hand, the resources files '*.resource' are designed to provide information contained in a tierce parts those belong to the external logical application environment such as bitmaps images, text files, icons and so forth.
You can save those files types most used as a part of your resources: Open file as Save file as Description 32-bit.res.rc or 32-bit.res The famous (*.rc) files used in VC++6.0 if you have some backgrounds according to C++ programming, the.rc files are added automatically within a VC++ application as resources files.bmp or.dib.bmp or.dib Bitmaps image files and device independent bitmap image files.ico.ico Icon files.cur.cur A type of specified Icon files used to design cursors.htm,.html.htm or.html The html files Resx files vs. Resources files The question now, is why there are two different formats, I mean, resx and resource format or extension to represent the same kind of files, namely, the resource files. And why, for each time, that I use the resx format file, I encounter problems to embed it in a run time executable environment.
Well, for the first question I can say that there is a difference in nature between a (*.resx) and (*.resource) file. Resx file: The first one is a kind of structured XML format file, such as the XSD files those used to stock information about datasets elements and structures. It is, normally, used for structuring and organizing data in a given order. Within a resx file you can add, modify or delete given information about resources through the code or even by using a simple text editor if you have a strong background concerning the XML files handling and, of Corse, good knowledge according to the resx files elements and structure.
It is possible to use a text file instead of the resx file for the same purpose, but it should be better to use the last one. In addition, it is not a good idea to store sensitive information such as passwords, visa cards data or personal data in a resx file as they can be easily seen by everyone who has access to it. And this is a resx file example in which I stocked my name and my country in string variables; I give this example to see how such file can look like: